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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bring 'em young.

It's no secret that athletes can bring in chicks by the masses, if they so choose to. It starts as early as elementary school and middle school, takes a big step in high school when holding hands turns into text messages full of boobies, and peaks for those who make it to college and eventually the pros. This is obviously a stereotype, and there are plenty of football, basketball and baseball stars who enjoy quiet Friday nights in with their girlfriends, and the only type of cheating involved for them is on their girls' math homework. But it's also very likely that they'll be getting down with the get down after they're done "studying."

The only other exception is for the guys who sign up to play college sports for a school that has a strict code of conduct. Like Army or Navy, Ivy League schools like Yale and Harvard, or religiously bound schools like Liberty or BYU. It's definitely a pure style of living down in Utah. Which is why Brandon Davies, the BYU star center, was let go by the University this week. He was gettin' down with the get down with his girlfriend. You can have 8 wives when you're mormon, you just can't "go hard in the paint" until you put a ring on it. Makes sense... if you don't think about it.

Not that I'm in a position to accept or deny any offers to play college basketball anywhere, anytime soon, but full well knowing that I like to engage in acts that are against the rules from time to time, I'd probably chose to take my talents to a different beach. I don't know the kid who was given the boot, but his skills are not in question, so I'm sure he could have played hoops at a school of almost equal quality, but without the chastity belt. Maybe he wanted to live that lifestyle, and he chose BYU for a reason? But it sounds as if that plan went to hell in a handbasket (along with him, according to the church folks) when his girlfriend showed a little skin and grabbed him by the crotch. Either way, can't help but feel sorry for the team, and Davies. Hopefully he'll find a way to get the ball to the hoop at another school sometime soon. Oh, and play basketball.

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